Lot 100 Studholme Crt, Kalkie QLD 4670
Sold for $365,000
Are you considering building and need to confirm a desirable location and a top quality builder?
In Paddington Grove Land Estate you can secure both of these features and have the ability to enter the new home market for as little as $365,000.
This House and Land package consists of 4 built in bedrooms, main with an ensuite, an open plan living area and a covered patio area.
Best of all with construction on hold until you choose your fixtures, you can literally choose those little finishing touches to make your house- YOUR HOME.
Call us today to discuss this floor plan or maybe another.
The pictures provided are an example only.
Property ID: 1142923
Contact Agents
Professionals Bundaberg
Mobile: 07 4151 3233
Professionals Bundaberg
33 Bourbong Street, Bundaberg QLD 4670 | Phone 07 4151 3233